Pulse Canada is working to assess the environmental impact of Canadian chickpea production. The information collected from the survey will help us position Canadian chickpeas as foods with a low environmental footprint. Your participation as a grower is essential to the success of this project.


  • The survey will take roughly 25 minutes to complete.

  • Prepare for the survey by ensuring you have key farm records such as fertilizer and pesticide application on hand.

  • The survey collects information on key inputs (for example, fertilizers and crop protection products) and activities characteristic of chickpea production on your farm from the past year, and yield data from the past few years.

  • Responses are saved automatically, so you may partially complete the survey then come back to it at a later time by using the same link so long as you use the same device (i.e., computer, laptop, tablet) and the same browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.).

  • The survey is best formatted for a desktop, laptop or tablet. Completing the survey on a smart phone may be challenging, since this requires scrolling across the page.

  • A completed survey example has been provided to help guide you through completing the questions.

The survey will be open  until March 31, 2024. Each respondent who submits a completed survey will be compensated with a $20 Amazon gift card.

Download Example Survey

For more information about the survey and its purpose, please contact:

Denis Trémorin, Director of Sustainability, Pulse Canada

Email: dtremorin@pulsecanada.com

If you need assistance completing the survey, or would prefer to participate by phone or Zoom meeting, please contact:

Daniela Dominguez, PRISM Consulting

Email: ddomingu@student.ubc.ca


Start Survey

Confidentiality: The survey information collected will contribute to creating regionalized, production-weighted average data sets for bean production. Your individual farm data will never be disclosed. Confidentiality of your information is assured, in accordance with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

Start Survey

Thanks to our growers, Canadian pulses are some of the most sustainable crops in the world. Your production data can help market the sustainability of Canadian chickpeas around the world.